How do I know if I am eligible to access support for disabled students?

The word ‘disability’ can mean different things to different people, and we recognise it can be a sensitive topic to discuss. Many people imagine it means using a wheelchair, or a white cane, however it is much broader than only physical or sensory disabilities.

The University uses the definition of disability as outlined in the Equality Act (2010) which means we support students living with any long term (I.e., over 12 months) condition which has an adverse effect on their studies.

This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Long term health conditions e.g., chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, lupus, cancer, diabetes, migraines, hypermobility, HIV and chronic back pain
    • Specific learning differences e.g., dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia
    • AD(H)D
    • Visual impairment
    • Deafness
    • Autistic spectrum conditions e.g., Asperger’s Syndrome
    • Mental health conditions e.g., anorexia, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, PTSD.
    • Physical disabilities e.g., cerebral palsy 

How can the University support you?

Find out more information on how the University can support you to manage your health / disability alongside your studies.

What to do next?

Check your Diagnostic Paperwork:

Check your diagnostic paperwork meets the University evidence policy by clicking here

If you need support with a disability:

Email your diagnostic paperwork to

It will be reviewed, and you will be advised on your next steps for arranging support.

If you need support with a mental health condition:

Please complete the .

Additional Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

I received extra time in exams at school because I have slow-processing speed, will I be eligible for extra time at university?

Slow-processing speed is not a disability in itself. As it can often be linked to a neurodiverse profile, such as dyslexia, you will need a formal identification of a neurodiversity to secure the extra time and University. Click here for more information 

I have been undergoing medical investigation for several months due to my symptoms, but I have not received a diagnosis yet. Can I still access support to help me manage the symptoms alongside my studies?

Yes, please contact us to chat this through by clicking here to find out ways to get in touch.

If you are on a waiting list for an ADHD and/or ASD diagnostic assessment you can apply for support via Disabled Student’ Allowance (DSA) by obtaining a 'working diagnosis'.  You can do this by asking your GP or medical professional to complete this form:


What evidence do I need to give the University as proof of my diagnosis/identification, and who will see it?

The type of evidence we need varies depending on the nature of your disability/health condition, and the course you are studying. Please click here for more information.

Your evidence is not available to your School or anyone outside of SWAI, you can read more about who can see your disability and health related information by clicking here

I think I might have AD(H)D, but don’t have a formal diagnosis, how do I get one?

AD(H)D is a neurodiversity which can present itself in many ways. For more guidance on how you can investigate a diagnosis further, please visit our neurodiversity assessments webpage.

Last Updated: 3rd September 2024