What are assessment adjustments?

We use the term ‘adjustments’ to mean different ways teaching and assessing can be adjusted to become more accessible for you.

Adjustments are agreed between you and SWAI and are communicated internally to your School and Registry. You can check what adjustments have been approved for you Adjustments can be approved at any point during your studies, but for the end of Semester Undergraduate assessments, including the Special Assessment Period, the closer to the assessment date it becomes more difficult to make the adjustments you need. Information here in the student handbook on cut off dates.

Some examples of assessment adjustments include:

  • Additional time
  • Rest breaks
  • Permission for personal belongings e.g., medication
  • Smaller (sometimes individual rooms) where you can sit your assessment
  • Adapted print media e.g., enlarged font size.

Please be aware that adjustments you had at school will not automatically transfer to University, you will need to meet with SWAI who will discuss your support requirements in relation to Higher Education rather than Secondary School/Further Education.

How can the University support you?

We can discuss your adjustment requirements with you and then work alongside Registry and your Department to arrange the support.

What to do next?

You should check your current assessment adjustments via your self-service portal here 

If your self-service page is not listing the support you are expecting please get in touch. You can do this using our accessing support page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know what adjustments I’ve already got in place at University?

Visit your self-service page here and view the ‘disability’ tab

What paperwork do you need from me to arrange my assessment support?

For more information please view our SWAI Evidence Policy

Will adjustments stay in place for the duration of my studies?

Yes, they will. This includes upon your return from any placement or Leave Of Absence etc.

I had extra time for School assessments, will I automatically get this for my University assessments?

No, you will need to register with SWAI and be reassessed.

What do I do if I don’t see an adjustment I need listed?

Please contact us via our accessing support page to request the adjustment you require. One of our advisors will review your request.

Last Updated: 11th November 2023