
LUMEN graphic

In collaboration with schools in the LUMEN network, we have developed a completely free, research-informed, full set of mathematics curriculum resources for Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14).

If you have used any part of the LUMEN Curriculum, please give us feedback on the

This short (2-3-minute) video describes the features of the LUMEN Curriculum.

This longer (15-minute) video describes the features of the LUMEN Curriculum in more detail.

Dr Colin Foster, Director of LUMEN, has written an article for The Conversation discussing how principles from cognitive science have been used in the design of the LUMEN Curriculum. 

Also read a Centre for Mathematical Cognition about the LUMEN Curriculum

Journal articles relating to the development of the LUMEN Curriculum:

Foster, C., Francome, T., Hewitt, D., & Shore, C. (2021). Principles for the design of a fully-resourced, coherent, research-informed school mathematics curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies53(5), 621–641. 

Foster, C. (2022). . For the Learning of Mathematics42(3), 21–27.

Foster, C., Barichello, L., Bustang, B., Najjuma, R., & Saralar-Aras, 陌 (2022). . For the Learning of Mathematics42(2), 9–14.

Foster, C., Burkhardt, H., & Schoenfeld, A. (2022). Crisis-ready educational design: The case of mathematics. The Curriculum Journal33(4), 519–535. 

Foster, C. (2023). Problem solving in the mathematics curriculum: From domain-general strategies to domain-specific tactics. The Curriculum Journal34(4), 594–612. 

Foster, C., Woollacott, B., Francome, T., Shore, C., Peters, C., & Morley, H. (2024). Challenges in applying principles from cognitive science to the design of a school mathematics curriculum. The Curriculum Journal. Advance online publication. 

Other articles relating to the development of the LUMEN Curriculum:

Francome, T. (2024). Length and area: Key characters in the curriculum story. Mathematics Teaching, 293, 41–46.

Foster, C., Francome, T., & Shore, C. (2024). . Mathematics in School53(3), 8–11.

Francome, T. (2024). . Teach Secondary13(4), 64–65.

Foster, C. (2023). Less is more: Improving by removing. Mathematical Gazette107(570), 386–398. 

Foster, C. (2023). . Mathematics Teaching289, 14–18.

Shore, C., Francome, T., & Foster, C. (2023). . Mathematics in School52(4), 32–34.

Foster, C. (2023). . Mathematics Teaching287, 7–14.

Foster, C., Francome, T., Hewitt, D., & Shore, C. (2022).  Mathematics in School51(5), 25–27.

Foster, C. (2022).  Mathematics in School51(5),12–14.

Foster, C. (2022). . Mathematics in School51(5), 8–11.

Foster, C., & Francome, T. (2022). . Mathematics in School51(4), 20–22.

Foster, C. (2022). . Mathematics in School51(4), 6–7.

Francome, T., & Foster, C. (2022).  Mathematics Teaching281, 19–21.

Foster, C. (2022). . Mathematics in School51(3), 2–7.

Foster, C. (2022). . Mathematics in School51(2), 20–22.

Foster, C. (2022). . Mathematics in School51(2), 16–17.

Foster, C. (2022). . Mathematics in School51(1), 24–25.

Foster, C. (2021). Questions pupils ask: What are 'like terms'? Mathematics in School50(4), 20–21.

Foster, C. (2021). . Mathematics in School50(4), 6–8.

Foster, C. (2021). . Mathematics in School50(1), 31–32.
