Introducing the new Microsoft OS

illustration of a laptop with the Windows OS 4 squares logo

Windows 11

University-wide upgrade scheduled from Autumn 2024

Upgrade for university-managed devices

Volunteers needed for early Windows 11 upgrade  

We are seeking volunteers to upgrade their devices ahead of the launch date. Your participation will help our technical teams thoroughly stress-test the full user experience, ensuring a smooth rollout for everyone.  

The upgrade will take place between Monday 14 October and Friday 18 October

Housekeeping on devices before the upgrade is essential. See Windows 11 upgrade – prep guide.  

If you’re interested, please see:  .

Microsoft Windows 11 is the new and improved operating system that will be rolled out to university-managed laptops and desktops, including computer labs, from November 2024 onwards.

The current operating system, Windows 10, is approaching the end of its lifespan and will no longer be supported after October 2025.

Upgrading to the Windows 11 version will ensure users are supported with the latest features, security, and functionality to support collaborations, teaching and learning.

Key benefits

  • New interface – simple design and use
  • Improved performance - login experience, better MS Teams integration
  • Improved productivity - software request and management processes
  • Enhanced security – including encryption for both desktops & laptops, essential for protecting University sensitive data
  • Accessibility – new accessibility features

Schedule for rollout

Staff upgrades

      • From November 2024 to October 2025

Computer labs 

      • June 2025 to October 2025

Change Champions Network

To help support the upgrade, we are reaching out to colleagues across the organisation who can act as Change Champions in their respective Departments.

These Change Champions will act as conduits between end users and the project team to ensure 2-way communication, support, and guidance is available as colleagues transition to the new Services.

Activities will include:

  • Becoming early adopters to participate in the pilot stage, with access to the new operating system being made available this summer.
  • To champion the new Service in your area
  • Capture local information and feed into the project teams
  • Disseminate business-critical information to your colleagues
  • Assist with booking device upgrades and handovers

If interested in joining the Change Champions network, please add your details to the  

Preparing for the upgrade

Ensure that your device is ready by backing up your data.

Frequently asked questions

Questions and answers to help you prepare for the upgrade.