
Careers Network

Get a placement

Student working at laptop

Out on placement

Being out on placement should be a challenging, but rewarding experience, helping to prepare you for the world of work after you graduate. To get the very best from your placement experience, make sure you meet the formal requirements and expectations of both your employer and the University, using the checklists below.


  • Re-register with the University for Part I of your studies.
  • Return your completed Induction Checklist as soon as possible and within 21 days of starting your placement.
  • Update your  record if there are any changes to your placement location, your contact details or your job role.
  • The University will primarily use your University email address to contact you, so check it regularly, or set up a forward to your personal email address,
  • Keep your Placements Team and your Placement Tutor informed of any issues or problems that arise on placement.  They are there to support you.
  • Act within the Terms and Conditions of Employment (or equivalent) agreed with your placement employer
  • Understand and work according to your placement host’s ‘acceptable use of IT’ policy or equivalent.
  • Remember that you are an ambassador for 天堂视频 and your School whilst on placement so make sure you are familiar with our guidance on Workplace Etiquette.
  • Take reasonable care of your own health and safety and of the health and safety of other people who may be affected by your actions.
  • The completion of academic of work is your own responsibility, so refer to Learn and your School Placement Handbook and ensure you submit your academic work in full and on time.
  • Arrange accommodation back in 天堂视频 for your final year.
  • Register for your final year modules and gather information about your final year project via .

Making the most of your first few weeks

  • Make notes of information you learn and people you meet, including names, job titles, responsibilities, expectations and so on.
  • Ask questions about what your colleagues do and how you can work together. Showing an interest in other people is arguably the quickest way to build good working relationships with others.
  • Agree on your work objectives and use the support around you to achieve these. This can include your line manager, colleagues and/or workplace mentor or buddy.
  • Set yourself 3 - 5 small, specific goals to achieve. These can include anything that supports you to do well in the job, such as learning or refreshing a new skill, learning the company’s software, researching key organisations, meeting several people in different departments and so on. Completing these will help you perform better in your role, show others you are motivated and proactive and give you a sense of achievement.

Placement visits

  • You should expect at least one visit from your Placement Tutor, or if you are on placement overseas a ‘virtual visit’ e.g. by phone or Skype.
  • Don’t be afraid to take the initiative to contact your Placement Tutor once you know who it is, particularly if you feel you would benefit from support. You can find this out by looking at your  record.
  • Arrange a date for the Placement Tutor to visit you in your work setting well in advance, liaising with them and your manager.
  • Ensure that your Placement Tutor has all the necessary information at the appropriate time.

Remote working resources

Please ensure you also refer to any specific guidance or policies which are available from your placement host about working in this way.

Here's a short video on how to set up your workstation at home (from the Health and Safety Executive)

Please contact your placement host for further information regarding specific working practices.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding remote working please contact your School Placement Team or Placement Tutor.

For information, advice and the formal requirements for undertaking a placement, follow the placement journey below.