
Careers Network

Personal Best

What is Personal Best?

A programme providing students with the opportunity to develop, recognise and better articulate their own skills and attributes, leading to greater self-awareness and success, both academically and in their future lives and careers.

How has it been developed?

It has been spearheaded by Professor Rachel Thomson, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Teaching, in conjunction with Director of Sport Advancement Peter Keen, Helen Smith and B Lewis in Careers Network, staff in the other Professional Services and academic Schools, and members of the Students’ Union Executive. Crucially it has also been developed in consultation with graduate employers.

How does it work?

The Personal Best Behaviour Framework presents 15 elements of skills and behaviours that students are encouraged and prompted to develop in various ways including:

  • whilst studying for their degree and through engagement with research
  • during their placements and work experiences and in their lives beyond the University
  • in their interactions and participation in activities offered by the University’s professional services teams
  • in extra-curricular activities with the Students’ Union, sport, volunteering etc.

These skills are valuable for all undergraduate and postgraduate students and for researchers, at whatever age or level of experience. Personal Best supports enhanced self-awareness and ongoing personal development at university and beyond.

The Personal Best App

The University has created a unique web application to structure and guide students on their development pathways, prompting them to:

  • review their skills
  • set their own goals
  • record activities and personal development
  • reflect on progress
  • articulate their skills
  • enhance applications for placements and graduate roles

The app enables every student to build a unique profile; a personal record of activities and skills that will be invaluable as a portfolio of professional development, guiding their learning and decisions about future careers, helping to create impactful CVs and job applications. The app is also the portal for access to a wide range of opportunities, resources and information about each of the Personal Best elements, providing inspiration and encouragement for ongoing development.

The Personal Best App can be accessed by students and staff in the same way, via the tile on the myLboro app or using the webpage below.

More information about Personal Best and staff resources, including a video, downloadable leaflet, the Personal Best Behavioural Framework and delivery presentations, can be found via .

Any feedback or questions can be directed to personalbest@lboro.ac.uk.