Professor Jonathon Chambers

FREng, FIEEE, DSc (Imperial)

Pronouns: He/him
  • Visiting Professor


Jonathon Chambers is a widely experienced academic and research leader and an expert in signal processing and machine learning and their application in biomedicine, communications and defence.  He was a faculty member at ÌìÌÃÊÓƵ between 2007 and 2014 during which he was Professor of Communications and Signal Processing, Head of the Advanced Signal Processing Group, Director of Research and Associate Dean (Research) for ÌìÌÃÊÓƵ in LondonHe has since held senior positions at Newcastle and Leicester Universities, and is now Emeritus Professor of Signal and Information Processing. He has graduated almost 100 PhD researchers and published more than 600 journal and conference outputs. 

Qualifications and Key Awards

  • PhD 1990 and DSc 2014 in Signal Processing– Imperial College London 
  • Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering, FIEEE, FIET, and FIMA 

Jonathon's education began in Singapore before continuing in Peterborough. After school, he served in the Royal Navy as an artificer apprentice in action, data and control. He then studied for his first degree in electronic and electrical engineering at the Polytechnic of Central London. He was the top graduate of the Polytechnic in 1985 and was awarded the Robert Mitchell Medal. His supervisor was Professor Gerry Cain, who first sparked his interest in the fascinating field of signal processing. After graduation, he was immediately appointed to the academic staff at the Polytechnic as a Lecturer in Signal Processing.

In 1986 he moved to Peterhouse, Cambridge University, for postgraduate research under the supervision of Professor Peter Rayner within the Department of Engineering. He also studied within the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College, under the supervision of Professor Tony Constantinides, from where he gained his PhD in adaptive signal processing in 1990. Following a year of postdoctoral research at Imperial College he joined Schlumberger Cambridge Research for three years where he applied signal processing techniques to oilfield related problems such as measurements during drilling and volumetric analysis of multiphase flow.

In 1994 he returned to an academic career at Imperial College initially as a Lecturer in Signal Processing and then gaining promotion to a Readership in Signal Processing in 1998. Jonathon and his co-workers received the IEE Hartree Premium from the Informatics Division and the IEE Blumlein-Browne-Willans Premium from the Electronics and Communications Divisions for their research findings in adaptive signal processing.

In 2001 he was appointed to a Professorship in Signal Processing at King's College London and served as the Deputy Head of the Division of Engineering. In 2004 he was awarded a five-year Cardiff Professorial Fellowship. He initiated the Signal Separation: Theory and Engineering Relevance (SISTER) Cardiff-QinetiQ Partnership with Professor John McWhirter, FRS.

Jonathon was then delighted to join the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, which became the School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering, at ÌìÌÃÊÓƵ in July 2007 where he led the Advanced Signal Processing Group. He also served as the Associate Dean Enterprise (ADE) and Research (ADR); and as the ADR for ÌìÌÃÊÓƵ in London. He continues to work in the School as a Visiting Professor.

Jonathon has served as an external UG/MSc programme examiner for Bristol, Cambridge, Durham, Imperial, Lancaster and Strathclyde Universities. He has always enjoyed teaching and delivered three modules in signal processing to undergraduate and postgraduate students. His greatest reward, however, is PhD supervision, and he wishes to acknowledge the outstanding researchers with whom he has worked and who have now moved on to many academic and industrial positions worldwide.

In 2021, with co-authors Dr Monika Roopak and Professor Gui Yun Tian from the University of Newcastle, he won the IET Networks Premium Award for the paper entitled, 'Multi-objective-based feature selection for DDoS attack detection in IoT networks' Vol. 9(3), pp. 120-127. In 2022, together with his co-authors Professors Yulong Huang and Yonggang Zhang he was awarded with the 2018 IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems M. Barry Carlton Award for the work 'A New Adaptive Extended Kalman Filtering for Cooperative Localization' Vol. 54(1), pp. 353-368, after being the runner-up for the 2017 award.