Alumnus sets up "Hug in a Mug" to help people send a virtual hug to friends and family

the Hug in a Mug logo with 2 children eating cookies

TEA REX has teamed up with cookie company Wholey Moly to bring "hugs" to the public during a time of social distancing.

a hand dunking a cooking in a mug, the Hug in a Mug logo and Tea Rex tea bag

Founder of , Andrew Walker (Industrial Design and Technology 2006), has a passion for fruit teas and launched his company in 2016 to bring 100% fresh single fruit and root teas to market.

Now, during the coronavirus pandemic, Andrew has partnered with a so that the public can order and send a "Hug in a Mug" to their loved ones.

Offering a little pick-me-up in these difficult times, the two start-up founders have come up with the "Hug in a Mug" package, which contains a fruit tea and healthy cookie for £3, including p&p. You can also include a message to your chosen recipient.

The two companies will donate profits – £1+ per pack – to The Trussell Trust, a food bank charity.

Andrew says:

"Everything on my industrial design course had to come out of consumer insight... so when I was thinking about how we could help during the C-19, I was captured by the idea that while we can't come into contact we can keep in contact. A warming cuppa and a cookie is one of the most comforting gifts you can give... so a Hug in a Mug was created."

The award-winning tea, made from finely chopped fresh fruits and roots, is available in a range of flavours including Lemon, Turmeric and Rhubarb amongst others.
