Webinar: AI-empowered Mobile Application System for Amputee Gait Training and Assessment

In this webinar Professor Huiru (Jane) Zheng from Ulster University will be talking through her RTN+ funded project: "We aim to create and assess an AI application using smart insoles, specifically designed to address weight asymmetry issues in lower limb prosthetic gait training. The application will be co-designed with therapists and clients to provide personalised real-time feedback during rehabilitation. This research hopes to improve rehabilitation outcomes."

Following the talk from Jane there will be time for discussion, networking and any questions you may have for the RTN+ team.

The Rehabilitation Technology Network+ is an EPSRC funded Network that brings together anyone interested in Rehabilitation Technologies with patient and public involvement being a core principle. We facilitate collaborations aimed at developing new technologies for rehabilitation.

To book your free ticket for this Microsoft Teams event, taking place from 2pm to 3pm on Wednesday 20 March 2024, visit the .