Professor Josef Fahl茅n

IAS Open Programme

Ume氓 University

Josef Fahl茅n, PhD, is Professor at Ume氓 University, Sweden, and Visiting Professor at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Oslo, Norway. Currently, Professor Fahl茅n serves on the editorial boards of the European Sport Management Quarterly, the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and acts as Associate Editor of the European Journal for Sport and Society.

In his research, Professor Fahlén focuses on the interaction between sport policy and the organization of sport and has led numerous research projects on sport policy making and implementation in the Swedish, Scandinavian, and European contexts. Currently, Professor Fahlén is reporting the findings from a large comparative research project that has studied the potential of voluntary organized club sport in contributing to the integration of newly arrived migrants. Together with colleagues in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Switzerland, he has compared contextual characteristics, national strategies, club activities, and migrant experiences. During the next couple of years, Professor Fahlén will be involved in a Swedish research project studying the organizational implications of ethics management systems. In this project, focus is directed at the recently established whistle-blower function, ombudsman, and changes in by-laws that are set in place to manage the risk of unethical conduct and ensure detection and disciplining when it nevertheless occurs.    

During their IAS Fellowship, Professor Fahlén is collaborating with Professor Alan Bairner from the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences.

IAS Research Seminar