How to write a nomination

We鈥檝e put together some answers to frequently asked questions and some guidance to consider when making your nomination.

If you have any questions about submitting a nomination, please contact The VC Awards Team or discuss with your manager.

Who can make a nomination?

  • Staff from across the University can nominate for the Vice-Chancellor's Awards. Nominations do not need to be submitted by a line manager or head of service, and we’d encourage all staff to nominate colleagues who they believe deserve to be recognised and celebrated.

Are there any rules around nominations I should know?

  • You can nominate any individual or team who works for the University.
  • Nominating yourself is not permitted.
  • The work for which a person or team is nominated ought to have largely taken place in the last 12 months.
  • The substance of a written nomination for an individual or team cannot be used for more than one award.
  • The judging panel will not make a second award for submissions that are substantially the same as previously successful Vice Chancellor’s Awards nominations.
  • Please do not exceed the word limit for nominations (650). 

When can I make a nomination for the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards?

  • Nominations for the 2024 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards will open on Wednesday 1 May and close on Friday 31 May.
  • The form can be accessed on the submit a nomination page.
  • Choose the most appropriate category for your nomination and submit it to just one category. 

Is there anything in particular I should include in my nomination?

  • Under each category and award, we have included a brief description of what the award is for, and some guidance on what the judges will be looking out for in particular. This can be accessed on the submit a nomination page.
  • There are some things that our judges will be keen to see regardless of the category, such as:
    • The reason for your nomination and why you believe this person or team should win (supported by examples and evidence where possible).  
    • The impact of their work and any specific achievements.
    • How this work supports the delivery of the University strategy.
    • Who has/will benefit from the nominee’s work.
    • Any challenges that were overcome as part of their work.
    • How equity, diversity and inclusion has been considered and embedded in their work.
    • Any examples of the University’s values in action.