Current news
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We regularly update our podcast on strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation topics.
Boards, Digitalization and Climate Change
Anna Grosman and Louise Scholes have been awarded internal funds (Joint Funds) for a project looking at climate change and digitalisation.
Bringing together 15 years of research into a ‘decision-making game’ for entrepreneurs
The world around us is changing dramatically. The idea that entrepreneurs, owners and managers face change is not new though. Changes in socio-cultural values and preferences, customer tastes and desires, technology, political regimes, sentiments are a natural part of the development of economies and markets.
Forging international relationships as a pathway to new research and insights
Internationalization is a key feature of CCEI’s strategy and ambition, aligning with the strategy of SBE.
SBE-LUL industry workshop on new business models in the Energy Sector
4th July 2019 saw the culmination of a joint project between members of CCEI at SBE and LUL examining the potential for new business models disrupting the Energy Sector.