Frequently asked questions

We have listed some of the most frequently asked questions below. However if you do have any additional questions, email us at

How do I register? (modules for credit)

In the same way you register for your other modules: through Student Choices online (MOCS). The Language option will appear as 'EUQ001' or 'EUQ006' depending on the semester (this is not the module code; it just lets us know you'd like to take a language).

As long as you have the option to take a ten-credit module outside your main degree, you can access the full range of levels and languages.

Once you tick EUQ001 / EUQ006, you'll be asked which language you'd like to study and you will fill in a box to let us know your experience of learning the language and any qualifications. 

Once the registration has gone through, your module will appear on your timetable and on Learn in the same way your other modules will. You should see 2 hours a week (3 hours for Mandarin).

What level will I be assigned to?

We assign you to a level based on prior experience, which includes any qualifications and additional competence you might have. Include as much information as you can in the module choice platform, we will get in touch if we have questions.

Once you are on the most closely matched module, further evaluation takes place at the start of the semester, in class and through diagnostic activities set before the first class.

Here are a few examples showing correlations between qualification and modules:

  • No experience: Level 1, complete beginners
  • GCSE or iGCSE A-B / 6-9: Level 3
  • AS Level: Level 5
  • A Level or International Baccalaureate SL: Level 7
  • CEFR C1: Level 11

We can evaluate you on a one-to-one basis if your case is not clear-cut (for example, you have studied independently, but have no qualification, or have an imbalance in skills).

I did a language at school, but I can鈥檛 remember anything. Can I start over?

Many students are in your case - this is one of the questions we receive most often!

We know it might have been quite some time since you last studied, and it will feel as though you have forgotten everything. This is usually the case for those of you who took a GCSE. We take this into account in the design of our modules.

You may feel you need to start over from the beginning, however, you will usually be able to recognise things you were taught in the past. Our modules include a lot of revision to refresh your memory. This is different from never having been exposed to the language.

If you still find you are struggling, make an appointment with your teacher early on in the semester.

Where can I find specifications for language modules?


How will I be taught?

We focus on teaching you to communicate independently, through a range of approaches and using varied materials.

Our interest is getting you to learn and be able to speak, write, and understand the language in the real world.

We won’t ask you to reel off set phrases by heart for the sole purposes of passing a test – instead, you will reverse engineer the language, practise using it in pairs and small group in realistic communicative situations.

Where appropriate, we use authentic materials to give you greater insight into the culture, and when possible we will provide opportunities to interact with native speakers.

Groups are small, class time includes lots of practice, there is support available from teachers, and activities are designed to support learners with a range of learning styles.

How will I be assessed?

Language modules are assessed in various ways depending on the level but typically combine task-based coursework assessment such as video/audio or written projects, a learning portfolio, and a class test. 

How is the mark integrated to the rest of my degree?

A language module works like any other module.  The mark is averaged with your other marks for the year in the same way, and all the same rules apply (40% is a pass, 70% is a first etc.)


Am I able to take a language module for just one semester?

You can, providing the right level is available in that semester. You should also be aware that taking a module in one semester only might restrict you when you study the next level in the following year.


You take Mandarin level 1 (beginner) in semester 2.

The next level up, Mandarin 2, is only available in semester 2. You would therefore need to wait until semester 2 the following year to continue.

Why is the language module not available on my course?

Some degree programmes do not have 10-credit options available due to their structure. They might not include optional modules at all, or they may be composed solely of 20-credit modules. If language modules are not available on your course, you still have the option of joining classes for a fee. See our extra-curricular courses page for more information.