Water Engineering
Hydrodynamics and Hydraulics
We use field measurements, experiments, mathematical techniques and numerical methods to study the movement of water through and over the earth’s surface.
We have expertise in ecohydraulics, flood modelling, groundwater, overland flow, shallow water numerics and turbulence theory. Graham Sander is (co)editor-in-chief of Advances in Water Resources while Chris Keylock and Qiuhua Liang are associate editors for Water Resources Research and Journal of Hydrology.
We undertake research around the world, and collaborate with some of the world's top universities including Cornell, EPFL, Imperial College and MIT. Recent projects include:
- The NERC-funded: Building REsilience to Multi-source Flooding in South/Southeast Asia through a Technology-informed Community-based approacH (REMATCH);
- The NERC-funded: FUTURE-DRAINAGE: Ensemble climate change rainfall estimates for sustainable drainage;
- The NERC-funded: Web-Based Natural Dam-Burst Flood Hazard Assessment and ForeCasting SysTem (WeACT);
- The EPSRC-funded special interest group on .
We are involved with CENTA, which provides opportunities for PhD funding. Our current advertised projects include:
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Selected Recent Publications
- CHEN, H., LIANG, Q., LIANG, Z., LIU, Y., REN, T. 2020. , Remote Sensing of Environment 246, 111868.
- KEYLOCK, C.J. 2019. , Journal of Fluid Mechanics 881, 283-312.
LISLE, I.G., SANDER, G.C., PARLANGE, J.-Y., ROSE, C.W., HOGARTH, W.L., BRADDOCK, R.D., STAGNITTI, F., LOCKINGTON, D.A., JOMAA, S., CHERAGHI, M., and BARRY, D.A. 2017. , Vadose Zone Journal 16, 12.
- MARJORIBANKS, T.I., LAGUE, D., HARDY, R.J., BOOTHROYD, R.J, LEROUX, J., MONY, C. and PUIJALON, S. 2019., Journal of Geophysical Research124, 8, 2176-2196.
- XIA, X., LIANG, Q. and MING, X. 2019. , Advances in Water Resources 132, art. no. 103392.
Staff with research activity in this area