Remuneration Committee

Terms of Reference



  1. To gain assurance that there is appropriate oversight of the PDR process and outcomes for the University’s Executive Team.
  2. To gain assurance that there is appropriate oversight of the procedures, criteria and scale of rewards to be used in the annual review of the remuneration of senior staff.
  3. To gain assurance that there is appropriate oversight of any increases in salaries for senior staff agreed, with delegated authority, by the Vice-Chancellor and the Senior Pro-Chancellor outside of the review meetings in order to retain staff.
  4. To gain assurance that there is appropriate oversight of any salaries agreed, with delegated authority, by the Vice-Chancellor or Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor for newly recruited senior staff and to staff awarded Personal Chairs.
  5. To keep under review the levels of honoraria paid to various office holders.
  6. As appropriate, to examine in more detail, recommendations made by the Review Group for awards to staff earning in excess of the amounts required for disclosure in the University Financial Statements.

Decision making and other duties

  1. To oversee the pay of senior staff within the University, considering and approving recommendations from the Senior Staff Review Group, ensuring issues such as equality and external market forces are monitored and addressed appropriately.
  2. To conduct an annual review of, and approve appropriate changes to, the remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor (the Vice-Chancellor shall be absent from the Committee for this review).
  3. To conduct an annual review of, and approve appropriate changes to, the remuneration of the members of the Vice-Chancellor’s executive team and other senior managers, considering the advice of the Vice-Chancellor; market pay rates; performance, including risk and compliance standards.

Standard duties

  1. To report to Council and Senate after each meeting.
  2. To review annually its Terms of Reference.
  3. To review annually its effectiveness.
  4. To refer business to other Committees as it sees fit.