Governance and Nominations Committee

Terms of Reference



  1. To assure Council on the robustness of processes for the recruitment of lay members including the appointment to Committees.
  2. To assure Council on the robustness of processes for the recruitment of senior lay officers including Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor (except the Senior Pro-Chancellor) and Honorary Treasurer.
  3. To provide assurance to Council that the University governance arrangements are appropriate, based on effectiveness reviews of both Council and its Committees, and where necessary, to make recommendations to Council for action.

Decision making and other duties

  1. To consider candidates and make recommendations to Council for the appointment of lay members of Council.
  2. To approve the appointment of non-Council lay members of Committees.
  3. To consider candidates and make recommendations for the roles of senior lay officers including Chancellor, Pro- Chancellor (except the Senior Pro-Chancellor) and Honorary Treasurer.
  4. To approve the appointment of lay Council members to university committees, including the approval on an annual basis of a list of lay individuals eligible to chair staff appeals committees established under Ordinance XXXVI.
  5. To make proposals to Council for regular reviews of the effectiveness of Council
  6. To act as a forum for discussion of Council representation on University In undertaking the above, the Committee will be mindful of:
    • Regularly review the breakdown of the key characteristics of Council members and identify any under-represented groups,
    • Develop and implement plans and procedures which actively promote equity and diversity in Council,
    • Recommend candidates for appointment who have the right personal qualities as well as an appropriate balance of skills and experience.

Standard duties

  1. To report to Council after each meeting.
  2. To review annually its Terms of Reference.
  3. To review annually its effectiveness.
  4. To refer business to other Committees as it sees fit.