Guidance for Sanctions 2024-25

List of Offences and Sanctions

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List of offences

Breach of hall rules.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Abuse of hall facilities.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Failure to comply with instruction.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Health & Safety transgression in hall.

General behaviour including smoking in hall
  • Not including letting off fire extinguishers, tampering with fire detection equipment or false activation of a fire alarm.

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Interference with hall function or activity.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Noise and rowdiness.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Anti-social behaviour.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Fail to control hall guest.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Failing to provide ID/providing false identity.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Possession of alcohol in a prohibited area.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

Smoking in hall.

General behaviour including smoking in hall

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning, fine up to £250, and a presumption of suspended exclusion from University accommodation.

Breaching University or Government Covid-19 requirements in hall.

Covid-19 related behaviour

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning, fine up to £250

Suggested range for subsequent offences:

Suspension of registration at the University for the remainder of the academic year.

Failure to meet with University Officers to assist with disciplinary enquiries when requested to do so.

Failure to engage or comply with disciplinary processes including interfering with witnesses

Suggested range for a first offence:

£50 to £100

Failure to attend a hearing of the SDP as a witness or defendant if required to do so with reasonable notice.

Failure to engage or comply with disciplinary processes including interfering with witnesses

Suggested range for a first offence:

£50 to £100

Failure to inform the University immediately on being cautioned or convicted of any criminal offence.

Failure to engage or comply with disciplinary processes including interfering with witnesses
  • Not including motoring offences for which no more than a fine and 3 penalty points are imposed.

Suggested range for a first offence:

£50 to £100

Failing to comply with disciplinary action conducted under Ordinance XVII.

Failure to engage or comply with disciplinary processes including interfering with witnesses
  • To include failure to abide with restrictions put in place as part of a disciplinary investigation, and a failure to pay fines or complete community service.

Section 3 - The panel will actively consider the following sanctions:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Transfer within or exclusion from University accommodation
  • Restriction from specific buildings or property
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration

Note: Less serious matters may be dealt with at Section 2.

Direct or indirect attempts to influence or intimidate witnesses prior to or during a disciplinary process or subsequent proceedings or other internal procedures.

Failure to engage or comply with disciplinary processes including interfering with witnesses

Section 3 - The panel will actively consider the following sanctions:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Transfer within or exclusion from University accommodation
  • Restriction from specific buildings or property
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration

Note: Less serious matters may be dealt with at Section 2.

Minor damage or damage caused through recklessness.

Damage / disruption to, or misuse of University property, facilities or activities, including fire-safety equipment
  • Also see sanctions for Serious or malicious damage.

Suggested range for a first offence:

£50 - £100 plus the cost of repairs.

Suggested range for subsequent offences:

A 2nd offence should include a presumption of suspended exclusion from University accommodation.

A 3rd offence should include a presumption of exclusion from University accommodation.

Misuse of University premises or property, including misuse of IT systems and services.

Damage / disruption to, or misuse of University property, facilities or activities, including fire-safety equipment

Suggested range for a first offence:

£50 - £100 plus the cost of repairs/loss.

More serious offences may require resolution at Section 3: Presumption of a minimum fine of £250/£300 plus the cost of repairs/loss.

Disruption of, or improper interference with, the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other activities of the University.

Damage / disruption to, or misuse of University property, facilities or activities, including fire-safety equipment

Suggested range for a first offence:

£50 - £100 plus the cost of repairs/loss.

More serious offences may require resolution at Section 3: Presumption of a minimum fine of £250/£300 plus the cost of repairs/loss.

Serious misuse of safety and fire equipment.

Damage / disruption to, or misuse of University property, facilities or activities, including fire-safety equipment
  •  To include setting off fire extinguishers, interfering with detectors and false activation of fire alarms.

Suggested range for a first offence:

£100 minimum and a presumption of suspended exclusion from University accommodation.

Suggested range for subsequent offences:

A 2nd offence should include a minimum £200 fine and a presumption of exclusion from Halls.

Serious or malicious damage.

Damage / disruption to, or misuse of University property, facilities or activities, including fire-safety equipment
  •  Also see sanctions for Minor Damage or damage caused through recklessness.

Suggested range for a first offence, under Section 3:

Presumption of a minimum fine of £250/£300 plus the cost of repairs.

Consideration of suspended or immediate exclusion from Halls.

Bullying/harassment (including cyberbullying).

Anti-social behaviour including bullying/harassment, threatening behaviour and assault

Suggested range for a first offence:

£100 - £250 and may include suspended or actual relocation to another Hall, or exclusion from Halls.

More serious offences may require resolution at Section 3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Transfer within or exclusion from University accommodation
  • Restriction from specific buildings or property
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration
  • Relocation to another hall should not be considered where there is a risk of the perpetrator committing similar offences and/or negatively impacting on the experience of other students in the new location.
  • To note, behaviour that appears to be motivated by, aggravated by or includes behaviour associated with discrimination against a vulnerable victim or a person based on a protected characteristic will be presumed to be a Section 3 matter.
  • Offensive comments, bullying or harassment based on an actual or perceived protected characteristic will be viewed as particularly serious. Where the perpetrator either knew or should have known that their actions were either directly offensive to an individual or more generally offensive to a group, the starting point for consideration should be termination of studies.

Threatening behaviour.

Anti-social behaviour including bullying/harassment, threatening behaviour and assault

Suggested range for a first offence:

£100 - £250 and may include suspended or actual relocation to another Hall, or exclusion from Halls.

More serious offences may require resolution at Section 3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Transfer within or exclusion from University accommodation
  • Restriction from specific buildings or property
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration
  • Relocation to another hall should not be considered where there is a risk of the perpetrator committing similar offences and/or negatively impacting on the experience of other students in the new location.
  • To note, behaviour that appears to be motivated by, aggravated by or includes behaviour associated with discrimination against a vulnerable victim or a person based on a protected characteristic will be presumed to be a Section 3 matter.
  • Offensive comments, bullying or harassment based on an actual or perceived protected characteristic will be viewed as particularly serious. Where the perpetrator either knew or should have known that their actions were either directly offensive to an individual or more generally offensive to a group, the starting point for consideration should be termination of studies.

Physical assault.

Anti-social behaviour including bullying/harassment, threatening behaviour and assault

Suggested range for a first offence:

£100 - £250 and may include suspended or actual relocation to another Hall, or exclusion from Halls.

More serious offences may require resolution at Section 3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Transfer within or exclusion from University accommodation
  • Restriction from specific buildings or property
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration
  • Relocation to another hall should not be considered where there is a risk of the perpetrator committing similar offences and/or negatively impacting on the experience of other students in the new location.
  • To note, behaviour that appears to be motivated by, aggravated by or includes behaviour associated with discrimination against a vulnerable victim or a person based on a protected characteristic will be presumed to be a Section 3 matter.
  • Offensive comments, bullying or harassment based on an actual or perceived protected characteristic will be viewed as particularly serious. Where the perpetrator either knew or should have known that their actions were either directly offensive to an individual or more generally offensive to a group, the starting point for consideration should be termination of studies.
  • In all cases involving assault, the Disciplinary Panel or Authorised Officer should actively consider all of the circumstances of an incident to ensure that any sanction reflects the nature and gravity of a student’s action.
    1. Greater harm (serious injury or impact) and higher culpability or other serious aggravating factors:
      • The starting point/presumption will be for termination of studies.
    2. Greater harm and lower culpability or lesser harm and higher culpability:
      • The starting point/presumption will be for suspended termination of studies, a financial penalty under Section 3 and consideration of residential status (if in University accommodation) and restrictions to access on campus.
    3. Lesser harm and lower culpability:
      • The starting point will be for a Written Warning or financial penalty under Section 2.

Failing to respect the rights of others to freedom of belief and freedom of speech.

Anti-social behaviour including bullying/harassment, threatening behaviour and assault

Suggested range for a first offence:

£100 - £250 and may include suspended or actual relocation to another Hall, or exclusion from Halls.

More serious offences may require resolution at Section 3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Transfer within or exclusion from University accommodation
  • Restriction from specific buildings or property
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration
  • To note, behaviour that appears to be motivated by, aggravated by or includes behaviour associated with discrimination against a vulnerable victim or a person based on a protected characteristic will be presumed to be a Section 3 matter.
  • Offensive comments, bullying or harassment based on an actual or perceived protected characteristic will be viewed as particularly serious. Where the perpetrator either knew or should have known that their actions were either directly offensive to an individual or more generally offensive to a group, the starting point for consideration should be termination of studies.

Possession of an offensive weapon, firearm or replica firearm.

Anti-social behaviour including bullying/harassment, threatening behaviour and assault

Suggested range for a first offence:

£100 - £250 and may include suspended or actual relocation to another Hall, or exclusion from Halls.

More serious offences may require resolution at Section 3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Transfer within or exclusion from University accommodation
  • Restriction from specific buildings or property
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration

Fraud/deception against the University.

Fraud/deception against the university
  • i.e. Deliberate actions intended to or causing financial loss to the University.

Suggested range for a first offence:

Presumption of exclusion.


Receiving a Criminal Conviction.

Receiving a criminal conviction
  • Not including motoring offences for which no more than a fine and 3 penalty points are imposed.

Suggested range for a first offence:

Section 3 Sanctions will range from Formal Written Warning to recommendation for termination based on the nature of the criminal conviction.


The panel will consider the following issues:

  • The gravity of the matter
  • Whether the matter relates to University activity
  • If the issues identified represent a risk to staff, students, property or reputation
  • The degree to which any criminal sanction has addressed the impact on staff, students, property or reputation
  • The issue of double-jeopardy and the degree to which any criminal sanction has adequately reflected the position, values, needs and concerns of the University.

Unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature.

Unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature

Unwanted behaviour would include:

  • catcalling,
  • following,
  • wolf-whistling,
  • derogatory comments,
  • sexual comments or jokes about a person’s body or clothing,
  • asking questions about someone’s sexual life,
  • making unwelcome sexual advances,
  • making someone feel uncomfortable through displaying or sharing sexual material,
  • posting pornographic pictures in shared spaces, physical or virtual,
  • sending sexually explicit e-mail, texts or other communications via social media, and
  • stalking in person or online as set out in the Protection of Freedoms Act (2102).

Suggested range for a first offence:

Sanctions will range from Formal Written Warning to recommendation for termination based on the nature of the case.


It will be important to seek and understand the wishes of victims in any Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment case.

At Section 3 for more serious cases there will be a presumption of termination of registration, and where this sanction is not applied, the panel will actively consider the following sanctions:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Transfer within or exclusion from University accommodation
  • Restriction from specific buildings or property
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended termination of registration

Any kind of touching undertaken without explicit consent.

Unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature
  • Including groping, sexual penetration and rape.

Suggested range for a first offence:

Sanctions will range from Formal Written Warning to recommendation for termination based on the nature of the case.


It will be important to seek and understand the wishes of victims in any Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment case.

At Section 3 for more serious cases there will be a presumption of termination of registration, and where this sanction is not applied, the panel will actively consider the following sanctions:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Transfer within or exclusion from University accommodation
  • Restriction from specific buildings or property
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended termination of registration

Anti-social behaviour and bringing the University into disrepute.

Community offences

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50


More serious offences may require resolution at S3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration

Creating excessive noise or other disturbance in a residential area off campus.

Community offences

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

More serious offences may require resolution at S3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration

Bringing the University into disrepute.

Community offences

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning - £50

More serious offences may require resolution at S3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration

Breaching University or Government Covid-19 requirements in the community.

Community offences

Suggested range for a first offence:

Written warning, fine up to £250

More serious offences may require resolution at S3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration

Suggested range for subsequent offences:

Suspension of registration at the University for the remainder of the academic year.

Breaching University or Government COVID-19 requirements in the community covers a range of activities depending on the specific requirements in place at the time.

First offences will normally be dealt with at section 2 level, with the imposition of a formal written warning and/or a fine. Cases involving multiple breaches, or a single egregious breach will normally be dealt with at section 2 level, with the imposition of a fine at the top end of the scale, or at section 3 level. Breaches will be considered to be more serious (and therefore more likely to be dealt with at section 3 level) where the perpetrator knowingly or recklessly engages in behaviour which puts others at risk.

Cycling without lights.

Traffic offences

Suggested range for a first offence:

All offenders are required to buy lights and provide proof to Security within 5 working days. If they fail to do so, a fine of £50 is enforced.

Traffic offence.

Traffic offences

Suggested range for a first offence:

£100 - £200 plus a ban from bringing a vehicle onto campus ranging from 1 week to the duration of studies.

More serious offences may require resolution at Section 3 and may include:

  • Minimum fine of £250
  • Restriction from involvement in University events, including graduation
  • Suspended or actual termination of registration

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