Alumna shares insight into charity work in Sierra Leone

Roxanne Hargreaves (Geography, 2010) is working and living in Sierra Leone, supporting the charity, Reseed. Offered a unique opportunity to help set up and contribute to areas such as economic empowerment and sustainable living in the country, Roxanne was excited to get started.

Having previously worked and lived in the country, Roxanne was approached by someone looking to provide start-up funding to launch an organisation focusing on financial stability for individuals and communities in Sierra Leone.  

The opportunity came after Roxanne completed her MSc in Development Management through the Open University. She said: 

“The opportunity to co-found and run a charity is once in a lifetime and it couldn’t have been more enticing, of course I said yes.” 

The aim of Reseed is to create a programme guided by local knowledge and expertise and to offer a transparent way of working. 

The charity is a team of nine, with Roxanne working between the UK and Sierra Leone. Fellow alumnus Daniel Harris (Chemistry, 2011) is a Trustee.

Roxanne said: 

“It feels like it’s already come so far - Reseed is just about to have its first birthday as a registered charity. 

At Reseed we believe that by creating sustainable employment and empowering individuals and communities to reach financial stability thereis a chance to lift thousands of people out of poverty. 

There are currently three projects running, all concentrated on the theme of sustainable livelihoods

Roxanne added: 

The knock-on positive impact of supporting economic empowerment is enormous and feeds other areas of long-term development. Having stable income can mean a mother is able to provide two meals a day for her children, or a family don’t have to choose between sending their children to school or seeking healthcare. 

Reseed’s flagship programme focuses on urban livelihoods through microfinance. They support entrepreneurs – who are mainly women and single parent caregivers, to start and grow their own business. They are also running pilots on rural livelihoods and another on upskilling and employability skills.  

If you are interested in finding out more about how to support the work of Reseed, please contact Roxanne or find out more on their .